GSDA Executive Board

Prof. Abdullah Al Shammery
Scientific Chairman, Global Scientific Dental Alliance
Professor of Restorative Dentistry
Chairman Trustees Board, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh KSA
Amb. Dr. Abdulsalam AlMadani
Roving Ambassador of the Parliamentary Assembly of Mediterranean (PAM) for the GCC Region;
Chairman of AEEDC Dubai and GSDA;
Chairman of ICHS
Dr.Tariq Khoory
Honorary Chairman – AEEDC Dubai
Consultant, Dubai Dental Services, Dubai Health Authority
Dr. Nasser Al Malik
Scientific Chairman
Dr. Mohammed Jafar Abedin
Scientific Vice Chairman, AEEDC Dubai
Maxillofacial Surgery Dept. Dubai Dental Centre, Dubai Health Authority
Eng.Anas Al Madani Eng. Anas AlMadani
Vice Chairman & Group CEO
INDEX Holding
Dr. Meshari Al Otaibi
President, Makkah International;
Dental Conference & Exhibition;
Vice President of Saudi Dental Society;
Consultant in Restorative, Esthetic & Implant Dentistry – Security Forces Hospital Program – Makkah;
Member, FDI Education Committee;
Dr. Howard Lieb Dr. Howard Lieb
Adjunct Associate Professor and Special Assistant to the Dean,
New York University College of Dentistry & American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation;
Advisory Committee of the Greater New York Dental Meeting
Dr. Howard Lieb Engr. Khaled Al Attar
Director General of  International Congress for Health Specialties -ICHS